(This YA review was written by Spetzi, 11)
A Wicked Thing by Rhiannon Thomas was a spectacular retelling of the sleeping beauty story. In all honesty, I’m not a fan of the Disney version I think of when you say Sleeping Beauty but when Rhiannon made Aurora a cursed girl that was aware of how WRONG it was that boys kissed her on their 18th birthday, I began to love the way the story laid out. I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who likes a realistic twist on an old tale, and still suggest it to anybody else.
(Spetzi has put the rest of her thoughts behind a spoiler tag – there may be major plot points revealed.)
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It was not 5 stars because it was kind of confusing at some parts of the book. I thought the way the author wrote it would have been harder for younger readers with a high Lexile to understand. I also thought that at some points it made the characters different than they had been portrayed for the rest of the book. It didn’t keep them that way. For example Celestine at one point was not as cruel as the book made her in earlier and later parts. Also Tristan was portrayed at one point as a bad influence, but then a good friend, but then a rebel. I thought it would have been five stars if the characters hadn’t randomly changed during it.