Storming The Castle by Eloisa James

Posted December 27, 2010 by Meoskop in Book Reviews, Historical, Romance / 2 Comments

Against a fall color palette a fairy tale castle on a hill is backed by sunsetYou need to read this short. You really do. In fact, this short was the first thing I read on my brand spanking new iPad and I left the iPad alone long enough to come tell you about it. Ok, maybe I waited a day (or two) but still! The point remains! I am not currently hiding in a corner with my shiny new iPad. (Did I mention it was a Very Apple Christmas? And that I got an iPad? Have we covered that? Yes?)

I enjoyed A Kiss At Midnight but didn’t expect very much from Storming The Castle. I anticipated a quick look at all the characters from the prior book in their new settled lives, a cute sequence or two – you know, what you usually get in a short. Sort of an after-dinner-mint of a book. Not the selection-from-the-pastry-chef’s-sampling-tray event that Storming The Castle delivers. Take this bit –

“… it wasn’t until Miss Philippa Damson gave her virginity to her betrothed, the future Sir Rodney Durfey, Baronet, that she realized exactly what she wanted from life: Never to be near Rodney again.” – Eloisa James, Storming the Castle

Tell me you don’t want to read that story. (You’re lying.) The absolute best part about Storming The Castle isn’t Philippa realizing she’d rather not do that again, it’s the complete lack of villains. There is not a single letter hiding, mustache twirling, abusive, cheating, nefarious scoundrel about. Not a single one. Not even Rodney. Poor, dear, clueless Rodney. His life has just gone to hell and he hasn’t the first clue. (There’s nothing like the morning after to make a girl reevaluate.)

Look, you can do a lot worse for $2. I’m completely ready for another selection. Storming The Castle gets almost as much love from me as my currently unnamed iPad. (I may just acknowledge it as my overlord and leave it at that.)


2 responses to “Storming The Castle by Eloisa James

  1. Shiny iPad!…..No villians. But…shiny iPad! WOW!

    Is it fun? I’ve had my iPhone now for almost a year, and it’s changed the way I read. I know it’s not a dedicated eReader, but…I love that I can read eBooks!

  2. I love shiny iPad. I am ready to surgically implant shiny iPad onto my body. Shiny iPad is everything you like about iPhone but bigger and less squinty. Spouse can’t read on it, the backlighting bothers him, but I find it just as easy to read as e-ink. I still use the 505 because iPad is useless in daylight, but around the house it’s so much nicer than fussing with a laptop or the computer. Perfect for reading in bed – no need to get up and turn off the light, just set the iPad down.